Sunday, February 26, 2012

Adding of the hops

Fermentation finally stopped on Friday evening. I added .05 oz of Cascade hops today at 10 am. They stay in the primary fermenter till we bottle, folks. The beer had a nice golden brown color, possibly some krausen was still on top, not very thick, but enough so that another day or two before adding the hops wouldn't have hurt.
Anyway, let's try to set a date around 2 weeks out for bottling. Let me know what works

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fermentation - Days 1 and 2

Day 1 - no bubbles, fermenter temp was 60 degrees. Turned on room heater
Day 2 - Frequent, slow bubbles, temp was 66 degrees

The Blotarian ephiphany

So since the last time I've posted, the brew crew decided to either *hit or get off the pot when it comes to beer brewing. We brewed a *few* good beers, and a couple REALLY terrible ones. The final straw was when we realized the entire time we thought we'd been cleaning and sterilizing all with one product, it was really only a cleaner. We lost an entire batch of beer (that was a low point). So we decided to learn more about our "craft" and joined a local beer brewing club, The Bloatarian's.

We're starting out all over again, taking classes and brewed the chocolate porter a second time to see if we could do it right this time. We also decided to go back to our roots, and brew the only beer that people asked for seconds, an American India Pale Ale on the same day we bottled the porter.
Pics follow

First, notice the attention to Instructions and to Star San



Second, we had to purchase a few new toys - a bottle sanitizer and a bottle tree



Next, Bottle and Brew


