So at 3:30 today we had our first bit of excitement. While checking on the progess, (and smelling that lovely smell of fermenting grains) I noticed we had froth in the airlock. Being novices, we did our research on the web, and discovered this was not at all uncommon. We quickly swapped out the froth filled airlock with a spare that my grandfather used for making home made wine years ago and all seems to be back to normal, bubbling happily away. There's still a bit of "color" bubbling up into the water in the airlock, but we're told that's nothing unusual.
I do believe the yeast is having a little bit too good of a time in there. The temp in the room is about 64, but the stick on thermometer on the fermenter is reading 70 so maybe after things settle down with the fermentation in about 24 hours, the froth in the airlock will stop.
I'll keep checking every couple of hours till things settle down.